
How to buy your vaping's stuff internationally from Madagascar (France, China, Malaysia)

Vaping is developing at its own pace in Madagascar. I would say there are a few hundred vapingrs across the country. So it’s a minority, but buying vaping in Madagascar remains an obstacle course and the arrival of the Covid-19 has broken everything again. If you find local vendors, then that’s always better. It will be cheaper and you can order whatever you want. If you are attempting the adventure of buying vaping’s stuff internationally, be aware that there may be losses, parcels not arrived or lost and the shipping costs are monstrous. In China, FastTech and Sourcemore If you are buying from China then you can use sites like FastTech or Sourcemore . They ship to Madagascar and the shipping costs depend on the carrier. On Fasttech you can choose different carriers. They even have DHL which starts at $ 40 for shipping. You also have the classic postal service which will cost you between 4 and 10 dollars for your package. Again, it depends on the weight and the chosen carrier. But Fa

Acheter sa vape à l'international depuis Madagascar (France, Chine, Malaisie)

La vape se développe à son rythme à Madagascar. Je dirais qu’on a quelques centaines de vapoteurs dans tout le pays. Donc, c’est une minorité, mais l’achat de vape à Madagascar reste un parcours de combattant et l’arrivée du Covid-19 a encore tout cassé. Si vous trouvez des vendeurs locaux, alors c’est toujours mieux. Ce sera moins cher et on peut commander ce qu’on veut. Si vous tentez l’aventure de l’achat de vape à l’international, sachez qu’il peut y avoir des pertes, des colis non arrivés ou perdus et les frais de port sont monstrueux. En Chine, FastTech et Sourcemore Si vous achetez en Chine, alors vous pouvez utiliser des sites comme FastTech ou Sourcemore . Ils livrent à Madagascar et les frais de port dépend du transporteur . Sur Fasttech, vous pouvez choisir différents transporteurs. Ils ont même DHL dont le frais de port commence à 40 dollars. Vous avez aussi la poste classique qui vous coutera entre 4 et 10 dollars pour votre colis. Encore une fois, cela dépend du poids et

The Game Changer Homogenizer, a revolution for e-liquid manufacturing?

The Game Changer Homogenizer considerably speeds up the making of e-liquids. It’s a prop created by a 66-year-old mechanical engineer, who worked on it for years refining it. And the first feedback from DIY enthusiasts is spectacular . Because everyone says it’s a revolution, even the most reluctant. What is the Game Changer Homogenizer? It is a tube-shaped accessory which is drilled with holes. You have two small holes at the end of the tube and you have two large holes at the other end. The liquid passes through the holes and the Game Changer Homogenizer mixes it at the molecular level. Why is this a revolution? Because the homogenizer already exists, these are laboratory devices that are used precisely to mix the components of a liquid in a completely uniform and homogeneous manner. Among the explanatory videos on the subject, we have someone who gives the example of cow’s milk. When you let cow’s milk sit for a while, the fat will separate and rise to the top. A homogenizer ensure

World Vaping Day 2020, hope and shit

May 30, 2020 is World Vaping Day. Unfortunately, we would like something other than a world day, because world days are above all an opportunity to say that there is nothing we can do. Between World Peacekeepers’ Day on May 29 and World No Tobacco Day on May 31, we can say that we are very well surrounded. Murderers in the name of democracy on the one hand and the worst bastards on the other. Because during the tobacco-free day, the WHO swung filth as it is not allowed on the vape, especially children with sketches of vape who have nothing to envy to the promotions of child soldiers during the dark period of Sierra Leone. Between rage and hatred, this is my daily lot when I see all these anti-vaping news, treating me as the worst criminal when I am just trying to delay the time when the famous crab will come to visit me because of my 20 years of smoking. I started vaping on October 21, 2018 and therefore, this May 30, 2020, it will be exactly 586 days since I stopped smoking . I had to

Q-Ultra from Lost Vape review, beautiful and complete at the same time

The Q-Ultra from Lost Vape is the final version of his AIO kits, a trend he launched with his Orion and Quest pods. It seems that there are no more new versions of this range. And we can say that the Q-Ultra brings together the best characteristics of what we can expect from an AIO kit. It is beautiful, versatile, quite portable even if it remains a big baby. It supports several types of coils, which can give an MTL vape as a restrictive live vape. This time, Lost Vape even offers an RBA that can be purchased separately. Note that the brand sent me the product that I review it. Features of the Q-Ultra from Lost Vape Type : AIO Kit Power range : 5 to 40 watts Cartridge Capacity :  4 ml Vaping style : MTL and Restrictive DL Type of coils :  Premade and RBA Battery : 1600 mAh Overview of the Q-Ultra from Lost Vape In terms of dimensions, the Q-Ultra offers dimensions of 105 x 43.2 x 16.5 millimeters. It is not the smallest AIO kit I have seen knowing that I had reviewed its Q-Pro . It ha

Test du Q-Ultra de Lost Vape, beau et complet à la fois

Le Q-Ultra de Lost Vape est la version finale de ses kits AIO, une tendance qu’il avait lancé avec ses pods Orion et Quest. Il semblerait qu’on n’ait plus de nouvelles moutures de cette gamme. Et on peut dire que le Q-Ultra rassemble les meilleures caractéristiques de ce qu’on peut attendre d’un kit AIO. Il est beau, polyvalent, assez portable même si cela reste un beau bébé. Il supporte plusieurs types de coils, pouvant donner une vape MTL comme une vape en direct restrictif. Cette fois, Lost Vape propose même un RBA qu’on peut acheter séparément. Notons que la marque m’a envoyé le produit que je le teste. Les caractéristiques du Q-Ultra de Lost Vape Type : Kit AIO Plage de puissance : de 5 à 40 watts Capacité : 4 ml Type de vape : MTL et DL restrictive Type de résistance : préfait et RBA Autonomie : 1600 mAh Présentation du Q-Ultra de Lost Vape En termes de dimensions, le Q-Ultra propose des dimensions de 105 x 43,2 x 16,5 millimètres. Ce n’est pas le plus petit kit AIO que j’ai vu

Smoant Ladon review, superb Box and a versatile RBA !

The Smoant Ladon starts from a fairly simple idea by innovating it to offer a kit as complete as possible. Smoant is still a brand that I have always appreciated. I have his Cylon Box which is just beautiful and which still works as well after 2 years. He was the first to offer Pasito , a pod with a reconstructable base. Even if the result was mixed, because building the coil above was a nightmare (I used it only once). This time, we have the Smoant Ladon kit which consists of a mod, a tank and an RBA base. The peculiarity is that the tank is a sub-ohm, but it has an RBA. Unfortunately, filthy fads of all manufacturers, the RBA is sold separately. But why the hell ? Add 5 or 6 dollars to the kit and integrate the RBA for God sake ! The Smoant Ladon tank The Smoant Ladon tank is quite imposing with its 28 x 58.4 mm and its capacity is 4 and 6 ml, probably with a bubble tank. The design reminds me a little of Uwell’s Valyrian 2 . There are 3 colors available with black, SS and rainbow.